Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

  • DPD Calculate charges


Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the KAPP factory.

Export of Products

Export of KAPP products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All KAPP products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant KAPP: gastronomy, pots, pressure cookers, saucepans, pans, roasters, scissors, knives, grinders, graters, slicers, multi-cutters, pineapple peelers, baking molds, chocolate reheaters, spoons, forks, tongs, tweezers, marmites, dispensers, carving stations, stands, boards, sugar bowls, bread baskets, thermopots tea makers, juicers, decanters, tea brewing presses, milk jugs, glasses, glasses, cups, wine glasses, mugs, buckets for ice and champagne, shakers, corkscrews, bar mats, strainers, bar spoons, jiggers, geysers, rimmers, narzanniki, mudlers, siphons, trays, ashtrays, containers, trolleys for transporting food, thermal boxes, racks, holders, trolleys for dishes, racks for plates, baskets for dishwashers
  • Tableware KAPP
    303520, 480200, 120210, etc.
  • Kitchen equipment KAPP
    Kitchen equipment
    310211, 80025, 440180, etc.
  • Dishes and baking supplies KAPP
    Dishes and baking supplies
    640100, 43023, 62021789, etc.
  • Table setting accessories KAPP
    Table setting accessories
    52030003, 68012, 43033, etc.
  • Catering supplies KAPP
    Catering supplies
    540101, 560120, 550120, etc.
  • Dishes for serving dishes KAPP
    Dishes for serving dishes
    4605001, 4605002, 530110, etc.
  • Beverage equipment and supplies KAPP
    Beverage equipment and supplies
    60020018, 58060350, etc.
  • Bar equipment KAPP
    Bar equipment
    620159, 4313004, etc.
  • Containers for food transportation KAPP
    Containers for food transportation
    480100, 505531, 355330, etc.
  • Baskets for dishwashers KAPP
    Baskets for dishwashers
    505461, 480110, 507611, etc.


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